Client Success Stories

Nothing is more powerful and humbling than hearing back from clients about how their business experienced a positive impact and in some cases a complete turn around that breathes life into their business. Please read and view a larger sample of the Clients being served. CTC would be honored by the opportunity to show you what we could do for your business.

Our Company hired Cooper, Travis & Company at the end of a several year recession in the construction market which began around 2008. At that time competition in the East Tennessee market was brutal, to say the least. Pricing was such that all contractors seemed to be pricing jobs with no profit to make payroll. There was not enough work to go around and we needed to get our arms around what our indirect and overhead costs were and how to track them to assure we had them covered in our bids.

Cooper, Travis personnel were there to take us through the process of understanding what our indirect costs were and testing our methodology and bid model. We took our existing bid model and changed our approach which actually, in the end, simplified our bid process. We learned that for any bidding method to be viable it needed to be tested and proven.

Cooper, Travis also took a hands-on approach to assisting with a restructure plan to streamline accounting department roles and responsibilities and gave many helpful procedural suggestions.

In 2016 we made the decision to strategically merge with a larger national firm as an integral part of our succession plan and my eventual retirement. Cooper, Travis worked directly with us during the process providing helpful advice on how to structure the transition for tax purposes to benefit our interests. We feel as though we have had a valued partnership with Cooper Travis and have recommended them highly. ~ Ms. Donna Johnston Engert Plumbing & Heating, Inc.

ABEC Logo Harvest Logo Baron Logo Cleary Logo DKR Logo Enterprise Solutions Logo IKON Logo Jewell Logo LU Logo Appalachian Logo Jarrett Logo Merryman Logo Biscan Logo Charter Construction PUCC Logo RG Anderons Solomon Logo Division 2 Sunrise Logo Wellspring Logo Breeding Insulation Company Knoxville Hardaway Construction Haren Construction Company Perimeter Security Partners Batten-Shaw-logo Cumberland Logo Cumb-Valley Jeffco Logo Interstate Mechnical Contractors Logo Batten-Long-Logo Triton-Logo N-S-Logo

Merryman-Farr LLC

Cooper Travis has been a partner of Merryman-Farr’s since the inception of our company over 15 years ago. They have given us superior guidance throughout the growth of our company with easy access to their professional staff for answers from simple questions to extensive, proactive tax planning. Yearly audits are always timely, complete and comprehensive – they are definitely a valued member of our team. – Steve Merryman

ABEC Electric Company, Inc

Quality of service delivered is best measured by the length of time a business partnership lasts. Since opening our doors in 1996, ABEC Electric has enjoyed a thriving partnership with Cooper Travis. Securing a trustworthy, responsive, and honorable company to handle our business accounting and taxes was imperative then and even more so now as our company growth and progression continues to multiply. Cooper Travis is truly an asset to ABEC Electric Company Inc. ~ Steve Bankston, President ABEC Electric Company, Inc.

Selective Insurance Company of America

One of the main underwriting tools we use to extend bond credit to contractors is the CPA year end statement. Whenever we get a Cooper Travis statement we know the account has already invested in a trusted accounting partner and is serious about their company’s future. Cooper Travis is at the top of the construction-focused CPA firms we deal with in the Southeast. The partners and staff understand the surety underwriting process and are always ready to answer any questions we have. Their work is exceptional and as a result we’ve been able to build a quality book of mutual clients. I would highly recommend Cooper Travis to any contractor looking for a strong financial partner, committed to the construction industry and a CPA who will help them build their business. Regards, Doug Stalnaker, AFSB Regional Bond Manager, Southern Region Selective Insurance Company of America

Westfield Surety

A surety company needs to have reliable, timely financial information to make quality decisions. Over the years, I have found that the information provided by Cooper, Travis, & Company, PLC. is excellent and reliable. They’re an excellent partner with a contractor because they know the information a surety company is looking for when we make credit decisions. Cooper, Travis & Company, PLC will mobilize quickly to provide quality information in a timely manner to enable surety companies and contractors to have accurate information while making decisions in the fast-paced construction world. They have a staff of well-qualified CPA’s to meet the financial needs of contractors and surety professionals. Cooper, Travis & Company, PLC is accessible and available discuss the needs of mutual clients. Timothy Basch Regional Surety Leader Westfield Surety